Just set off
Climbing during summer. In most countries and regions it is too hot to climb in the summer sun. Therefore, we intend to spend our summer holidays and Elmo’s test trip in Norway. The temperatures should be perfect for outdoor activities and Norway is known for its beautiful landscape. We already start the indoor climbing training in winter in order to be prepared for the summer. The prospect of Norway increases our motivation.
We are doomed to stay. There is always something to do and to improve. Enough is enough. We quickly mount the awning and the big tires. Elmo is ready for a summer trip. What are we waiting for? We go shopping and fill Elmo to the brim with our gear and food. Finally, we set off on Friday from Fuschl am See. On short notice we decide to make a stopover in Linz since we need to pick up a few things. In the evening we invite ourselves for a leisurely dinner before we tackle the long drive.
The journey leads via Passau, Nuremberg, Würzburg, Kassel, Hanover, Hamburg, Flensburg, Kolding, Odense, København, Malmö, Halmstad and Gothenburg. Unfortunately, there is a large traffic jam near Hanover and Hamburg. The rest of the trip runs smoothly. The long and beautiful bridges in Denmark are expensive, but also worth seeing.
Norwegians like to shop in Sweden on Sundays
Since we know that Norway is the most expensive Scandinavian country, we use the last opportunity before the border to refuel. The idea to drive to a nearby shopping center for a Sunday afternoon coffee is a big mistake. On the short road to the shopping center we pass a convoy of cars with Norwegian license plates and there is chaos in the parking area. The attendants try to keep order and to direct the traffic. It is definitely too busy. We fight our way back to the highway. After the experience at the shopping center, the stop and go traffic at the border is no longer bothering us. In Norway we make good progress and only get caught in a traffic jam on the city highway near Oslo.