Climbing in Kvitnes near Kristiansund
Kvitnes offers climbing next to the sea including sunbathing and fishing during the breaks.


29.07.2019-30.07.2017 - The climbing area Kvitnes is situated next to the sea and offers varied climbing combined with beautiful views. Due to the high temperatures, we can only climb in the shade because the rock is too slippery in direct sunshine. Especially the difficult slab climbing in some sectors requires shade. Therefore, we get up early and climb until the early afternoon. During our climbing breaks we sit on the huge rocks along the coast and enjoy the sea view or go fishing.

Since we do not want to stay in the village above the climbing area or in Kristiansund, we search and find a quiet spot nearby using satellite images from Google Maps. This is very scenic, but it is close to the water and masses of mosquitoes appear at sunrise and sunset. We do not leave the van during these times and are happy about the mosquito net in our blinds. It is really fine and even keeps out midges with a size of 1-2 mm. We can only shake our heads and admire the members of the Norwegian family who pitch their tent in short clothes during the “main attack time”.

Overnight stay: N 63.1295, E 7.8454

Lessons learned

  • The midges with a size of less than 2 mm are quite nasty and their bites are not visible until the next day. Only long clothes can protect you from these beasts.
  • Norwegians are simply tougher than we are.
  • The 80 meter rope is a must-have if you want to visit the sector Temple of Love.
Written by Barbara